Attending this event?
Thursday, October 17

8:00am PDT

Conference Check-In
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
Pickup your name tag and swag!
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PDT

8:00am PDT

Thursday October 17, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
Enjoy a light breakfast with:
  • Coffee and tea
  • Assorted pastries
  • Uncut fruits including bananas, clementines, and small apples
Thursday October 17, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PDT

9:00am PDT

Conference Welcome
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am PDT
Opening remarks and housekeeping information to ensure a good conference experience.
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am PDT

9:30am PDT

Building a Coalition: Holistically Responding to Generative AI at Our University
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT
The growth of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform industry and redefine the landscape of higher education. This session explores how our smaller university is leveraging its unique strengths to develop a comprehensive AI strategy. We'll discuss fostering collaboration between administration, faculty, and students, ensuring everyone has a voice in shaping our AI future.

Chad Schone

Director of the Multimodal Education Center, Central Washington University

David Schwan

Senior Lecturer/ Faculty Fellow for Multimodal, Central Washington University
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT

9:30am PDT

Engaging Educators in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Belonging Online Trainings at an Academic Healthcare Institution
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT
This presentation will discuss the successes and challenges of delivering an online Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Belonging (DEIAB) micro-credentialing program at an academic healthcare institution. The Foster Respectful and Equitable Education (FREE) Certification program is an equity-based program structured with Breadth and Depth workshops, active participation in a learning community, and a learning-by-practice capstone project. Breadth workshops assist with developing a broad critical equity analysis and learning applicable instructional practices associated with creating an equitable learning environment. Depth workshops integrate in-depth knowledge of how systemic inequities have uniquely impacted healthcare access in historically underrepresented and marginalized groups. CME credit is used as one tool for attracting clinical educators to the program, and the presenters will highlight methods for meeting the professional development needs of both clinical and non-clinical educators. The presenters will allow time for questions and encourage participants to share insights and feedback.

Ryan Patterson

Education Specialist, Oregon Health & Science University
avatar for Graciela Vidal

Graciela Vidal

Education Specialist, OHSU
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT

9:30am PDT

Making Immersive Technology Work for You
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT
Bellevue College's XR Lab has been awarded a 3-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to help community building, support teaching and learning on campus, and produce meaningful XR-related open educational resources (OER) for all.
BCXR Lab Coordinator Drew Stone talks about his role as the administrator of this grant and shares the exciting opportunities and challenges while sharing his passion for the power (and pitfalls) of introducing eXtended Reality (XR) and other immersive technology opportunities to the broader domain of public education.
avatar for Drew Stone

Drew Stone

XR Lab Coordinator, Bellevue College
Drew Stone joins Bellevue College as its first XR Lab Coordinator with years of experience in VR event production in both physical and digital realms.With backgrounds in active collaborative gaming, filmmaking, visual & performance arts, instructional design, VR event production and... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 9:30am - 10:00am PDT

10:10am PDT

How to Be a Freelance Instructional Designer
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am PDT
Curious about freelancing in instructional design? In this session, I'll share my journey and practical advice on being a freelancer. We’ll explore the factors to consider in deciding if freelancing aligns with your working style, essential skills for instructional designers, finding opportunities, and adapting to diverse work environments. I’ll also talk about important considerations before starting a project, how to manage projects, and tips for working effectively with clients and subject matter experts. Whether you're contemplating a move to freelancing or looking to broaden your instructional design career, this session will provide valuable insights and practical tips.
avatar for Amy Spielmaker

Amy Spielmaker

Instructional Designer, Web Developer, Instructor, akspiel.com
I am a freelance instructional designer, frontend developer, and instructor. I work with universities, community colleges, small businesses, and non-profit groups throughout Oregon to develop and maintain websites, create marketing materials, and assist with developing curriculum... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am PDT

10:10am PDT

Smart Collaboration: ChatGPT as a Research and Grading Partner
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am PDT
In this session, we will share how we’ve used ChatGPT for educational research and assessment. We will discuss two projects that utilized ChatGPT as a co-investigator in qualitative research and as co-faculty in learner assessment. In one study, we performed a thematic analysis of student reflections on the use of AI in nursing education, assessing the utility of ChatGPT as a fourth coder. In the second study, we examined the feasibility using AI for evaluating student assignments. Join us to hear the findings of these two studies and discuss the potential of using generative AI to reduce human biases, improve productivity, and maintain objectivity in both research and assessment.

Michael Coriasco

Faculty, Oregon Health & Science University
avatar for Jeffrey Jones

Jeffrey Jones

Digital Learning Specialist, Oregon Health & Science University

Heather Hawk

Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, Oregon Health & Science University
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am PDT

10:10am PDT

XR and AI and Moving Beyond FOMO
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am PDT
During this session we will introduce a variety of viewpoints about the expanding use of technology in education, such as AI, XR, and VR. We will look at some exciting XR and AI examples created at Bellevue College by faculty and staff, and we will discuss what you see as appropriate use for AI in education. This session will include a hands-on activity that offers food for thought about best AI practices. The idea is to encourage the use of technology with focused intention, rather than just for the fear of missing out (FOMO).
avatar for Ron Austin

Ron Austin

Digital Learning & Multimedia Manager, Bellevue
I work with Interactive eLearning at Bellevue College and co-manage the XR Lab.  I'm currently working with the NWXR EDU Network (supported by The National Science Foundation). I also facilitate online training workshops for faculty, assist with course development, and Canvas ad... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 10:10am - 11:00am PDT

11:10am PDT

Cheating Does Not Exist: Reframing Authentic Learning in the Age of AI
Thursday October 17, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm PDT
While most of the world was captivated by the educational potential of AI tools like ChatGPT, educators in America by contrast seemed transfixed only by its ability to allow students to “cheat”. Our presentation, inspired by our experiences in AI faculty development, proposes that "cheating" as a concept, and our psychological framing of it, are inherently harmful to learning communities. We argue that all instances of cheating are instead more fundamentally instances of psychological substitution. In light of the adoption of AI, rather than focusing on punitive measures, educators should recognize and address psychological substitution both in students and in themselves. This, in turn, would empower educators to maximize the pedagogical potential of AI.
Our session will aim specifically to answer the question: If not “cheating,” then what is an efficacious and empathetic way to frame academic dishonesty? We will begin our session by stating and defending our core thesis: cheating does not exist. We will deepen our exploration by unpacking the interplay between policing, surveillance, hyper-individualism, as well as ableism, and how these factors shape our understanding of authenticity and rigor in education. Finally, we will invite participants to share their experiences and perspectives on implementing this revitalized framework in real-life educational settings. Participants can expect to leave with a more sophisticated approach to academic integrity in a world with Artificial Intelligence.

Megan McFarland

Digital Inclusion & Universal Design Coordinator, Adjunct Instructor, Portland State University

Andrew Lawrence

Instructional Designer, Portland State University

Kam Moi Lee

Assistant Director for Online Program Management, Portland State University
Thursday October 17, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm PDT

11:10am PDT

Empowering Adult Learners: Transforming Higher Education with AI for Enhanced Engagement, Reflection, and Lifelong Learning
Thursday October 17, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm PDT
Join us for an interactive workshop designed for higher education faculty to explore how generative AI can enhance adult education. Incorporating AI can make visible to students the often-hidden curriculum and help them understand both the content and purpose of their studies. Live demonstrations will showcase techniques to create a supportive and engaging learning environment with AI.
Part of the workshop will explore the flipped classroom model, emphasizing its benefits and practical integration with AI tools. By using AI-generated conversations, educators can help students focus on acquiring knowledge via pre-work assignments and assessments asynchronously. This process preserves classroom time for engagement and collaboration where students can apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the course.
This workshop will also focus on integrating generative AI as a novel tool to engage in dialogue with learners to develop learning experiences involving metacognition. Faculty will learn how to use AI to develop strong reflection prompts as well as ways to assist students with discovering meaningful observations through their reflections. It will demonstrate how students can use AI as a conversation tool that provides them with immediate feedback on their learning process, which can help them self-identify both their challenges and successes.
By incorporating AI as a discussion partner in our classes, we will explore how this approach provides a resource learners can use to gain more insight about their learning process and identify gaps in knowledge as well as how it can assist in promoting deliberative practice and lifelong learning.

Pamela Meyers

Faculty Development Specialist, Oregon Health & Science University

Diana Brewer

Co-director for the Knight Cancer Institute Advanced Practice Provider Hematology Oncology Fellowship, Oregon Health & Science University
Thursday October 17, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm PDT

11:10am PDT

What I Wish I Knew When I Was a New LMS System Administrator
Thursday October 17, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm PDT
The key points covered in my presentation include:
  • Understanding your responsibilities as an LMS administrator, such as identifying the eLearning decision-makers, clients (teachers and students), and institutional policies impacting eLearning.
  • Determining if you are responsible for user support and training, and how to approach these tasks effectively.
  • Encouraging your supervisor to provide a clear vision for your success, as they may lack technical or LMS experience.
  • Realizing that you don't need to know everything about your LMS; instead, learn how to locate solutions and curate resources.
  • Translating imprecise language used by clients into technically precise LMS terms.
  • Investing time upfront on tasks like setting up competencies, user accounts, and quiz formatting, as it can yield significant rewards later.
  • Understanding LMS user roles and permissions, and how to fine-tune them through testing and careful adjustment.
avatar for Paul Tannahill

Paul Tannahill

eLearning Systems Administrator, Linn-Benton Community College
Specialties: eLearning System Administration & Instructional Design, Instructional Graphics, Video, and Audio, Online Tutorials (Static, Video, & Screencast), Presentation Design, Training-for-Trainers
Thursday October 17, 2024 11:10am - 12:00pm PDT

12:00pm PDT

Thursday October 17, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm PDT
  • Hawaiian-style kalua pork
  • Rice
  • Kimchi
  • Truffle edamame
  • Green salad
  • Macaroni salad
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm PDT

12:30pm PDT

6 Visual Design Principles in 6 minutes
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT
Why should visual design matter to me if I'm not a graphic designer? Because while everyone can recognize bad design, not everyone can articulate why. In this session, gain insight into design language and principles to comprehend how and why effective graphics improve learning engagement, comprehension, and crucially, retention of key concepts. In just six minutes, witness six vital visual design principles in action through before and after examples: hierarchy, contrast, proximity, color, white space, and repetition. And as Steve Jobs famously said, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like, design is how it works.”

Kat Thoreson

Faculty and Media Development Specialist, Oregon Health and Science University
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT

12:30pm PDT

Amplify Your Star Players: Audio for Professional Development
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT
Faculty and staff have expertise to share. You have star players you'd like others to emulate. Short audio segments can be an effective way to share the expertise of your faculty and staff star players. Podcasting is an inexpensive and easily accessible format to capture and share these stories as a professional development tool. By keeping episodes short and focusing on faculty and staff experiences you can grow your professional development audience and amplify the stories you want others to know about.
avatar for Kim Read

Kim Read

Education Consultant, EvolvEd Consulting
When I'm not working on learning and education projects in the higher ed and K12 realms, you can find me wandering the trails, rivers, and lakes of the Pacific Northwest and writing and recording music. You can also chat with me about my favorite breakfast spot in Bristol!
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT

12:30pm PDT

Welcome to the PNW Instructional Designers Collective
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT
PNWIDs, a loose collective of instructional designers, faculty, tech related people, is a space to openly share ideas around teaching and learning. It is a place to develop friendships and community around the work we do and the invitation extends to anyone interested in participating. You have ideas to share? You want to see what other people are doing? You want to connect. Join us on the web at pnwids.com or listen to this six-minute explanation of why you should be involved!
avatar for Todd Conaway

Todd Conaway

Instructional Designer, University of Washington | Bothell
Todd Conaway is an instructional designer at UW Bothell and spent ten years doing the same at Yavapai College in Arizona. Prior to that, he taught high school English for ten years at a small private school where he was able to combine his passion for the outdoors and digital tools... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT

1:00pm PDT

[Keynote] Why? A Reflection on Integrating Technology in Education
Thursday October 17, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm PDT
The integration of technology in education is not just about new tools and strategies; it's a personal journey shaped by each educator's unique motivations and experiences. In this presentation, I will examine the critical question of "why?" – why we choose to incorporate technology into our teaching practices and how this decision aligns with our personal and professional identities. I will explore the ethical considerations and challenges of merging empathy with innovation. This talk will emphasize the importance of understanding values, as well as the impact these have on our teaching philosophies. By sharing stories of navigating the complexities of my approaches to teaching, I'll illustrate how identifying and articulating our individual "whys" can lead to more intentional and meaningful educational practices.
avatar for Demian Hommel

Demian Hommel

Associate Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
Dr. Demian Hommel is a passionate educator, researcher, innovator, and mentor, who approaches his work with a great mind, curiosity, kindness, and a humble spirit.Demian’s graduate studies at the University of Oregon leveraged social theory, ecology, and mixed methods to better... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm PDT

2:20pm PDT

An Evolving Software Procurement Process: Assessing Accessibility in Software Purchases (Part II)
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:20pm - 3:10pm PDT
How do you process software requests purchases? What are your organization policies? As part of our new UWFT (University of Washington Financial Transformation) process and the launch of Workday® Finance in summer 2023, we redesigned our software request procurement process.
In this presentation, I’ll share the basic overarching methodologies and policies that govern our software purchase requests and my work in accessibility assessments at the UW Bothell campus and share changes we have made to comply with the new Title II of the ADA requirements.
avatar for Ana Thompson

Ana Thompson

Academic & Access Technologist, University of Washington Bothell
Ana Thompson has worked in higher education for the last 22 years in IT, digital learning and instructional design. As a Academic & Access Technologist, Ana enjoys working with faculty members, staff and students to streamline the use of technology tools as well as promote digital... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:20pm - 3:10pm PDT

2:20pm PDT

Integrating Reflective Strategies for Inclusive Instructional Design
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:20pm - 3:10pm PDT
Engage in conversations about inclusive instructional design strategies and learn how the team of instructional designers at Western Washington University implemented their Heuristic for Inclusive Instructional Design (HIID) into professional development, publications, and consultations to support the design of more inclusive learning experiences. We will share our iterative design process for reflecting on our programming by centering our design on inclusive teaching and learning practices and focusing on key topics in the HIID for deeper exploration.
Session Outcomes
In this session, participants will…
  • Engage in conversations about inclusive instructional design practices.
  • Explore strategies and resources related to inclusive instructional design.
  • Reflect on experiences designing, delivering, and/or participating in equity- and justice-centered professional development programming.
avatar for Justina Brown

Justina Brown

Senior Instructional Designer, Western Washington University
Justina directs the university's Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment, leads the Learning Systems team in Academic Technology, and coordinates with the multi-departmental Teaching and Learning Cooperative. She loves to geek out on best practices for creating accessible... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Blick

Andrew Blick

Director of WesternOnline, Western Washington University - Outreach and Continuing Education
Andrew Blick is Director of Technology, Planning, and Instructional Design in Outreach and Continuing Education at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. He is a doctoral candidate in Technical Communication and Rhetoric at Texas Tech University.
avatar for Lauren Nicandri

Lauren Nicandri

Instructional Designer & Manager of WesternOnline, Western Washington University - Outreach and Continuing Education
Online learning advocate and digital pedagogy enthusiast.

Solstice Black

Western Washington University
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:20pm - 3:10pm PDT

2:20pm PDT

Unpacking our Badge Backpack: Badging and Microcredential Implementation Lessons and Insights from Lane Community College
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:20pm - 3:10pm PDT
In today's educational landscape, digital badges and micro-credentials are vital for acknowledging continuous learning and professional skills. This session will delve into Lane Community College's strategic implementation of a badge and micro-credential system, providing attendees with a clear blueprint of the steps taken from inception to execution. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the system's structure, the methodologies employed, and the essential elements that have contributed to its integration.
avatar for Mel Stark

Mel Stark

Instructional Designer-Faculty, Lane Community College

Skye Nguyen

Learning Systems Support Analyst, Lane Community College
Thursday October 17, 2024 2:20pm - 3:10pm PDT

3:20pm PDT

Transforming Education: Designing and Integrating Multimodal Content through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Neurodivergent Learners
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:20pm - 4:10pm PDT
Unlock the full potential of your instruction with our dynamic session, "Transforming Education: Designing and Integrating Multimodal Content through Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Neurodivergent Learners." This session will guide educators to understand what multimodal content is and how it can be integrated to enhance learning experiences for all students, including those who are neurodivergent. Educators will be able to apply the UDL framework to engage diverse learners and understand strategies for inclusion. Available digital tools and resources will be introduced with tangible examples that will facilitate designing and integrating multimodal content. Join us to explore practical tools and resources that will transform your teaching practice and elevate student outcomes.

Krystle Jalalian-Chursky

Assistant Professor & Director of Undergraduate Ed, Seattle Pacific University

Grace Seo

Associate Director, Educational Tech and Media, Seattle Pacific University
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:20pm - 4:10pm PDT

3:20pm PDT

Using AI to Develop & Modernize College Curriculum
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:20pm - 4:10pm PDT
The central theme of our discussion will be to assist faculty in understanding how to effectively use AI to create and update curriculum. We aim to delve into the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing the way we approach education at the college level. We will explore how AI can be integrated into various aspects of the curriculum, from course content and teaching methodologies to student assessment and administrative support/services.
Our goal is to shed new light on innovative pedagogy/andragogy in a rapidly changing higher education landscape. We will explore how AI can be used to foster innovative teaching and learning strategies, considering the unique needs and characteristics of nontraditional, adult learners. We will also ponder the broader implications of these changes for the higher education industry as a whole.
This session will be conducted in a discussion format, promoting an open conversation and exchange of ideas among participants. The session will be facilitated by moderators from Central Washington University’s IT Management Department.
Discussion Points
  • Understanding AI: What is AI and what potential does it hold for education?
  • AI in the Classroom: How can AI be used to enhance teaching and learning in the college setting?
  • AI and Curriculum Design: How can AI inform the development of a modern, relevant curriculum?
  • AI and Assessment: How can AI be used to improve student assessment and feedback?
  • Ethical Considerations: What are the ethical considerations when integrating AI into education?
avatar for Robert Lupton

Robert Lupton

Professor, Central Washington University
avatar for Luke Williams

Luke Williams

Senior Lecturer/FlexIT Coordinator, Central Washington University
Competency-Based Education (CBE) Online teaching/learningInstructional DesignHigher Education trends
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:20pm - 4:10pm PDT

3:20pm PDT

What Happened to My Community!
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:20pm - 4:10pm PDT
Working from home. COVID. Exhaustion. Twitter is gone. Is your sense of community missing? Feel less connected to colleagues and professional learning? Do you have ideas about recovery? This conversation invites sharing communal grief and finding new hope in real steps we can take to recover our belonging and community.
avatar for Todd Conaway

Todd Conaway

Instructional Designer, University of Washington | Bothell
Todd Conaway is an instructional designer at UW Bothell and spent ten years doing the same at Yavapai College in Arizona. Prior to that, he taught high school English for ten years at a small private school where he was able to combine his passion for the outdoors and digital tools... Read More →
Thursday October 17, 2024 3:20pm - 4:10pm PDT

4:30pm PDT

Thursday October 17, 2024 4:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
Sips, snacks, and connections!
Thursday October 17, 2024 4:30pm - 6:30pm PDT
Friday, October 18

8:00am PDT

Friday October 18, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PDT
Enjoy a light breakfast with:
  • Coffee and tea
  • Assorted pastries
  • Uncut fruits including bananas, clementines, and small apples
Friday October 18, 2024 8:00am - 9:00am PDT

9:00am PDT

Assessing Professional Development Impact: Applying the Evidence of Learning and Impact Framework at OHSU's Teaching and Learning Center
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
Centers for teaching and learning in higher education institutions have varied approaches to assessing the impact of their work (Haras et al., 2027; POD Network, n.d.), including professional development. Using a program evaluation or assessment framework is one way to measure efficacy of a center for teaching and learnings’ resources. At OHSU’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), we needed a flexible and adaptable instrument to assess a wide variety of resources that differ in mode, objectives, and duration.
Thus, we wanted to see if the Evidence of Learning and Impact Framework (Tucker et al., 2022) could be applied to a professional unit that provides resources for educator excellence. In this session we will share the history of professional development offerings provided by the OHSU TLC, what we learned from how they had been assessed and how that led to the need for a more holistic framework. We hope by sharing our story, other institutions may consider adopting and adapting OHSU’s evidence of learning and impact framework to evaluate their own professional development offerings.

Sarah Jacobs

Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Center, Oregon Health & Science University

Lisa Hatfield

Director, Teaching and Learning Center, Oregon Health & Science University
avatar for Jeffrey Jones

Jeffrey Jones

Digital Learning Specialist, Oregon Health & Science University
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT

9:00am PDT

Immersive Learning: Leveraging 360° Video in Your LMS with UDL
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
Discover the pedagogical applications and affordances of immersive 360° video! In this fast-paced session, you will learn the 5 W’s of using 360° video in your LMS with a UDL lens. We will move through covering the pedagogical aspects with design considerations guided by the principles of UDL. Then, we will show examples and provide practical tools. Finally, we will go hands-on and have you try out the tech for yourself! All LMS users will have an opportunity to receive support with adding 360° video to their sites.
avatar for Jo Ann Arinder

Jo Ann Arinder

E-Learning & Classroom Support, University of Oregon
avatar for Jen Elbek

Jen Elbek

University of Idaho Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
avatar for Sean Quallen

Sean Quallen

Instructional Designer, University of Idaho
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT

9:00am PDT

Start Your XR Engine Panel: Tales of Immersive Learning
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
The four members of this panel have been exploring various XR technologies for teaching and learning in higher education over the past 5-7 years. XR encompasses a wide range of related technology-enhanced experiences that represent information in a 3-dimensional, multi-sensory format. Each member has unique 'tales from the trenches' to share. All are members of the steering committee for the NW XR EDU network, an organization supported by an NSF grant, working to build a community of interest in spatial computing. Join us to discover how you can get involved!
avatar for Bruce Wolcott

Bruce Wolcott

XR Faculty, Instructional Designer, Technologist, Bellevue College
I am the Faculty Lead for our newly formed (3 years) XR Lab at Bellevue College, dedicated to the use of XR Lab technologies for teaching and learning. I teach courses in the Communication Studies program, including a virtual reality curriculum, and am a faculty advisor for online... Read More →
avatar for Drew Stone

Drew Stone

XR Lab Coordinator, Bellevue College
Drew Stone joins Bellevue College as its first XR Lab Coordinator with years of experience in VR event production in both physical and digital realms.With backgrounds in active collaborative gaming, filmmaking, visual & performance arts, instructional design, VR event production and... Read More →
avatar for Sage Freeman

Sage Freeman

Instructional Media Specialist, Chemeketa Community College
I specialize in instructional media and work with faculty on content creation, use of technology and media, best practices and pedagogical use of media, media enabled classroom technology, and more.
avatar for Monica Marlo

Monica Marlo

Innovation Technologist & Immedgineer, Portland Community College
Monica Marlo M-G is an Innovation Technologist &  Immedgineer, or Immersive Education Engineer at Portland Community College, who helps faculty effectively use media tools to meet their measurable objectives. As a Co-coordinator of the Oregon Community Colleges Distance Learning... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT

10:00am PDT

Self-Assessment: A Road Map for Why and How to Use it for Equitable and Inclusive Courses
Friday October 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT
Self-assessment empowers students and helps them be accountable (Hooks, 2010). Despite its benefits to learners and being part of active learning (“Active Learning,” n.d.), it is not always clear how best to implement self-assessment. Using the backward design framework, the presenters will explain how educators can foster self-knowledge among learners by employing self-assessment to advance their learning (Wiggins & McTighe,1998). Educators have a range of strategies to help students apply self-assessment, which can be applicable in diverse domains, including medical education. Finally, the presenters will show how self-assessment can amplify students’ choices and engagement (Bourke & Mentis, 2013) which contribute to equitable and inclusive courses.
avatar for Lina Gomaa

Lina Gomaa

Faculty Development Specialist & Assistant Professor, Oregon Health & Science University
I have experienced higher education in three countries, the U.S., the U.K., and Egypt, where I have developed a passion and a strong interest in learners' experience, engagement, and inclusion. I apply and research inclusive pedagogies and share best practices with fellow educators.In... Read More →
avatar for Cory Davia

Cory Davia

Educational Developer, University of the Pacific
I work with faculty to help them think through their pedagogical values, goals, and approaches. Before becoming an educational developer, I was a faculty member in philosophy. I'm particularly interested in ways that we can use our classrooms to promote students' autonomy.
Friday October 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT

10:00am PDT

Teaching Them How to Teach: Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop Series at WSU Vancouver
Friday October 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT
Many graduate teaching assistants in STEM and other disciplines have never taken education courses and may repeat pedagogical patterns they have seen as students and not know that these patterns are ineffective or incorrect for the courses, students, or teaching modalities being used. This presentation will discuss the development and implementation of a teaching and learning professional development workshop series for graduate teaching assistants and post-doctoral students at WSU Vancouver.
This presentation will provide ideas and strategies on how to design a similar workshop or series of workshops at other colleges and universities where teaching and learning courses for graduate teaching assistants and post docs may be lacking. Secondly, providing this type of teaching and learning support could make a college or university more attractive to undergraduate and transfer students that wish to attend graduate school and receive the teaching and learning support that other colleges and universities do not offer. Lastly, attendees will generate workshop topic ideas or a development plan that they can implement when they return home. They will also be able to review suggestions from others and offer others their suggestions.

Jessica McKee

IT Support Tech 2, WSU Vancouver
Friday October 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT

10:00am PDT

Using Generative AI to Help Adult Learners Achieve Their Professional Goals
Friday October 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT
This session explores how Generative AI can aid adult learners in achieving their professional goals. Introducing learners to simple yet effective AI prompts can increase their learning agency. Over the past year, students have reported that using generative AI has boosted their confidence in applying for jobs.

Zach Patrick-Riley

ESL Instructor, Clark College
Friday October 18, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am PDT

10:40am PDT

Debrief on New DOJ Accessibility Regulations
Friday October 18, 2024 10:40am - 11:20am PDT
On April 24, 2024, the Federal Register published the Justice Department (DOJ)’s latest rule updating its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This new mandate requires state and local governments to adopt technical standards to make their services and programs accessible online and through mobile apps. This applies to public K-12 and higher education institutions. In this discussion, we'll dig into this new directive and key implications.
avatar for Ana Thompson

Ana Thompson

Academic & Access Technologist, University of Washington Bothell
Ana Thompson has worked in higher education for the last 22 years in IT, digital learning and instructional design. As a Academic & Access Technologist, Ana enjoys working with faculty members, staff and students to streamline the use of technology tools as well as promote digital... Read More →
avatar for Amy Spielmaker

Amy Spielmaker

Instructional Designer, Web Developer, Instructor, akspiel.com
I am a freelance instructional designer, frontend developer, and instructor. I work with universities, community colleges, small businesses, and non-profit groups throughout Oregon to develop and maintain websites, create marketing materials, and assist with developing curriculum... Read More →
avatar for Mel Stark

Mel Stark

Instructional Designer-Faculty, Lane Community College
avatar for Weiwei Zhang

Weiwei Zhang

Educational Technologies Product Manager, Oregon State University
Friday October 18, 2024 10:40am - 11:20am PDT

11:30am PDT

Test Driving Our Favorite Tools
Friday October 18, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm PDT
avatar for Weiwei Zhang

Weiwei Zhang

Educational Technologies Product Manager, Oregon State University
Friday October 18, 2024 11:30am - 12:00pm PDT

12:00pm PDT

Friday October 18, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm PDT
  • Brisket
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Coleslaw
  • Beans
  • Smoked carrots
  • Toast
Friday October 18, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm PDT

12:30pm PDT

Conference Closing
Friday October 18, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT
Wrap-up, announcements, and appreciation.
Friday October 18, 2024 12:30pm - 1:00pm PDT
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