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Breakout #6 (50 minutes) clear filter
Friday, October 18

9:00am PDT

Assessing Professional Development Impact: Applying the Evidence of Learning and Impact Framework at OHSU's Teaching and Learning Center
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
Centers for teaching and learning in higher education institutions have varied approaches to assessing the impact of their work (Haras et al., 2027; POD Network, n.d.), including professional development. Using a program evaluation or assessment framework is one way to measure efficacy of a center for teaching and learnings’ resources. At OHSU’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), we needed a flexible and adaptable instrument to assess a wide variety of resources that differ in mode, objectives, and duration.
Thus, we wanted to see if the Evidence of Learning and Impact Framework (Tucker et al., 2022) could be applied to a professional unit that provides resources for educator excellence. In this session we will share the history of professional development offerings provided by the OHSU TLC, what we learned from how they had been assessed and how that led to the need for a more holistic framework. We hope by sharing our story, other institutions may consider adopting and adapting OHSU’s evidence of learning and impact framework to evaluate their own professional development offerings.
avatar for Sarah Jacobs

Sarah Jacobs

Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, Oregon Health and Science University

Lisa Hatfield

Director of Teaching and Learning, Oregon Health and Science University
avatar for Jeffrey Jones

Jeffrey Jones

Digital Learning Specialist, Oregon Health & Science University
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
PUB 258C

9:00am PDT

Immersive Learning: Leveraging 360° Video in Your LMS with UDL
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
Discover the pedagogical applications and affordances of immersive 360° video! In this fast-paced session, you will learn the 5 W’s of using 360° video in your LMS with a UDL lens. We will move through covering the pedagogical aspects with design considerations guided by the principles of UDL. Then, we will show examples and provide practical tools. Finally, we will go hands-on and have you try out the tech for yourself! All LMS users will have an opportunity to receive support with adding 360° video to their sites (Bring Your Own Device).
avatar for Jo Ann Arinder

Jo Ann Arinder

E-Learning & Classroom Support, University of Oregon
avatar for Jen Elbek

Jen Elbek

Instructional Designer, University of Idaho
avatar for Sean Quallen

Sean Quallen

Instructional Designer, University of Idaho
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
PUB 258B

9:00am PDT

Start Your XR Engine Panel: Tales of Immersive Learning
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
The four members of this panel have been exploring various XR technologies for teaching and learning in higher education over the past 5-7 years. XR encompasses a wide range of related technology-enhanced experiences that represent information in a 3-dimensional, multi-sensory format. Each member has unique 'tales from the trenches' to share. All are members of the steering committee for the NW XR EDU network, an organization supported by an NSF grant, working to build a community of interest in spatial computing. Join us to discover how you can get involved!
avatar for Sage Freeman

Sage Freeman

Associate Dean, Center for Academic Innovation, Chemeketa Community College
I specialize in instructional media and work with faculty on content creation, use of technology and media, best practices and pedagogical use of media, media enabled classroom technology, and more.
avatar for Bruce A Wolcott

Bruce A Wolcott

XR Lab Faculty Lead, Bellevue College
Communication Studies faculty, XR Lab Organizer, eLearning curriculum designer. Uses of virtual/augmented reality technologies for teaching and learning, shared virtual workspaces, NW VR ED Network group.
avatar for Monica Marlo

Monica Marlo

Digital Learning Facilitator, Portland Community College
Monica Marlo M-G is an Innovation Technologist &  Immedgineer, or Immersive Education Engineer at Portland Community College, who helps faculty effectively use media tools to meet their measurable objectives. As a Co-coordinator of the Oregon Community Colleges Distance Learning... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 9:00am - 9:50am PDT
GHL 213
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